Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I had two sets of stitches in my childhood. The first set was when I was about three years old. Mom had taken me out to the outhouse to use the potty before I went to bed. We had a flashlight, but I tripped and missed the first step leading back into the house. I hit my chin on the threshold of the door.

The second set was quite a bit later when we were living in Wichita. I was probably about 10 yrs. old. Kathy, Michelle and I were playing croquet in the back yard. That is a game where you use a wooden mallet to hit a wooden ball through wire wickets. One of the rules is that if you hit an opponents ball you could put your own ball up against it and whack it hard with your mallet and send it off across the yard. I was doing this to Michelle's ball, and she got all excited and started swinging her mallet around in circles. I was bent over getting ready to make my shot and her mallet came up and hit me on my forehead up by my hairline. I did blackout for a fews seconds and did literally see stars. It didn't really hurt, it was kind of numb, but I got scared and started crying and running into the house because of all the blood. Michelle of course felt terrible. Mom and dad had to take me in to get some stitches. This is one case for sure that it did hurt her (Michelle) more than it did me. I felt really sorry for her.


  1. I knew about the chin, but not the other set. Weird that my three older kids have had stitches but not my three little ones. I'm sure the day will come, especially with the boys, huh?

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  3. wow these story's make me glad I've never had stiches:}

  4. Me too Hannah, I hope you never hurt yourself so bad that you need them.
