Friday, March 6, 2009

School lunch preparation

After my pukin' on a nun episode, we started taking our lunch to school. Every evening sometime between after supper cleanup and bedtime, mom and dad would sit side by side on the same side of the table and prepare our lunches. They took their lunch to work too so there were five to prepare (once Michelle got old enough for school). They would lay out the ten pieces of bread, and then call out to us to see what kind of sandwich we wanted. All three of us would call out at the same time "peanut butter", "bologna" or "tuna fish" (if there was some tuna made up). I loved tuna with mayo, sweet relish and chopped up boiled egg. ) Then we'd pick a kind of fruit, usually it was a banana because they are so easy to pack and eat. No peeling, cutting and no leaking juice all over everything. Some times we would get cookies, and a very special treat would be occasionally we would get a piece of mom's homemade pie!

What makes this little story worthy of writing about is mom and dad's ritual. They sat side by side every school night, every week, year after year!! I can close my eyes and still see them sitting there working together smearing peanut butter, mayo or butter on each and every slice of bread. Then topping them off with the "flavor of choice." It is indeed newsworthy because it was all done all those years with so much love!!


  1. Great story. I still make Whitney's lunch every morning but I don't even have to ask what she wants. I make the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the planet (according to Whitney and all her friends).

  2. Mom's can't go wrong with peanut butter and jelly!!!

  3. even though im a sophmore in high school who is perfectly capable of making her own lunch, i still have mom do it because it is so good and its really special.

  4. that's a sweet story. i can picture it in my mind as you tell it.
