Sunday, March 1, 2009

The candy shop

One summer when I was around 11 0r 12 my friends and I set up a candy store in the back of my dad's pickup truck. We had a couple friends across the street who were twin girls and another girl next door who was my age. We went to the store (quite a ways away ) and bought some candy bars for 5 cents each. We had pooled our money together to do this. We were old enough to go to the store but a lot of kids in the neighborhood were not. We sold those candy bars for 10cents each! Now that is a profit. We paid ourselves back for our inverstment, and to us we made a fortune which in reality was about 50 cents or so. One might have wondered about our tactics but the buyers mothers knew we were selling them for a dime and gave them the money. We thought were really quite the business people. I think so anyway!


  1. I forgot to mention that we ate up some of our inventory.

  2. You were not eating the inventory: it was quality control!

    About 4 times a year, some new group of little kids sets up a lemonade stand in our neighborhood. It is amazing how these traditions survive. Funnier still is the number of adults who stop and seems almost giddy to buy from them. I am guessing it has more to do with their own childhood memories than it is to quench thirst.

  3. Now see, I would never have thought of it as quality control!

  4. Since having kids, and because mine have done many a lemonade stand, I will not pass up a stand without stopping. Same would go for a little kid selling candy out of the back of her daddy's truck. Just doing my part to help the free world economy...

  5. I think kids with lemonade stands are so adorable! Although we don't see many of them down this way, when ever there is one I always try & stop.
