Friday, March 20, 2009

The Indian Pow-Wow

One of the trips we went on took us to southern NewMexico and a lot of indian reservations. Remember now, it was probably around 1953 or so, which would make me 8 yrs old. I can't remember what our accomadations were on that trip, whether we were camping or staying in a motel. My memory just can't pull that one up.

At night after dark, we went to an indian pow-wow. There were a lot of indians in their native dress or costumes and they were doing their various kinds of dances around a bon-fire. It was actually very exciting to me because I had never seen a "real" indian except on television, and you know how they were portrayed on tv. There happened to be this one indian sitting right in front of me. He had on all his feathers and such and he had on a vest with no shirt. Well, guess what? That vest looked so soft to me, and the more I looked at it the more curious I became about how it would feel. I figured it was some kind of velvet or suede and would feel really nice. You got it!! I reached out my hand and ran my fingers down part of his back. He turned around so fast it scared me and my folks too. When he saw me he just smiled and turned back around. And for the record, that vest was a very soft and fuzzy suede. I didn't reach out and touch it again though!


  1. Cute story, I imagine that would be pretty neat to see a pow-wow in person.

  2. that's funny, and kind of scary. i think a powwow might have kind of scared me a a bit as a kid. i'm not sure I would have touched, but i bet taylor would have. LOL

  3. I wasn't scared of the pow-wow at all.The desire to touch that vest would have far outweighed a little fear anyway. I thought the pow-wow was incredible!! I was fearless and untouchable you know, and I had my hero with me just in case! lol
