Saturday, June 13, 2009

Childhood illness's

To tell this story I have to date back to '66. When Danny was only a few months old we had to put him into the hospital with bronchitis, the hospital was in Frankfort Germany. So to visit him, I would take a military bus that had a route up and back to the hospital every day. He was in there for just a few days but it seemed like an eternity to me.

Then one day I was sitting in the infirmary (military doctor's office) with my baby boy on my lap. Danny was probably about six or seven months old at the most. I was in the infirmary for me, I had an appointment to talk to the doctor or something. I know it couldn't have been for a check-up or I wouldn't have brought Danny with me. As I was waiting I was watching Danny break out in little red dots. I noticed it at first on his little neck so I thought it was just an irritation from something. But the longer I sat there the more that rash spread. By the time I went in to the doctor's office it was pretty much all over his body. It was the measles--thankfully not the more serious kind.

When I was seven or eight months pregnant with Laura, Danny caught the mumps. The doctor was a little more worried that I might catch them since I could not remember if I have had them. I did not catch them and Danny got a lot of tlc (tender loving care) and ice cream to help him recover.

Then when he was in the first grade, his school mates shared the chicken pox with him and he shared them with his baby sister. It is nice to share and quite frankly it was good to get them over with for both of them. Laura caught a "better" case of them than her brother did, really quite pitiful because her body was so little and the breakout seemed even worse .

Whenever my kids got sick (colds and flu) Danny would get strep throat and Laura would get serious ear infections. When I say serious, I mean that if we didn't catch it in time and get her on an antibiotic, her eardrums would perforate. This is an excruciating pain that no one except hardened criminals, especially child predators, should have to experience. (opinion of the author) . It was here while we were living in San Francisco that Laura got tubes put in her ears. This made a world of difference in her health even though she did continue to have problems throughout her childhood. Danny got his tonsils removed while we were in San Francisco also and it did cut down on the throat infections.

I think this brings us up to date on most of the accidents and health problems up until and including 1972.


  1. interesting to me that danny got a lot of the things that we now immunize for- measles, mumps, even chicken pox. It's a good time to be a kid, huh? Too bad there's no shot to prevent ear infections! :( So far, Amanda and Hannah have been my only two with chronic ear problems. Amanda got tubes, Hannah narrowly escaped them. Sarah's been my sickest.

  2. I remember both the mumps and chicken pox...even remember the baby sitter and have shard that story before. You are right about shots Laura. Whitney had the chicken pox shot when it first came out. She did, much to the doctors surprise still catch them, but it was so mild they were dry by the time we even noticed them, and he sent her back to school the same day.
