Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Little About Danny

Danny was a fairly quiet little boy. He played sports as he got older (he started with baseball at age seven I think) and when he was in a game he would play hard and put everything he could into it. When he was in normal play outside, he went to it with all the gusto he could muster. However, in a crowd, he was more comfortable to be quiet in the background. He was very slow to warm up to anyone, and made friends cautiously. Throughout his whole childhood, he never had more than two or three good friends at any one time.Keep in mind that we moved a lot and he had to readjust to new schools and new kids every few years. This is difficult for anyone to do, and it was harder for him because he took a long time to pick his friends He was very uncomfortable in a group.

I am just writing about when he was under eight or so for now. This is difficult to do because so very many things happen in a childhood, but I am for now trying to pick out some of the highlights about his young personality. My mind is really racing trying to do this.

His favorite things to play between ages two and eight were with his tonka trucks, hot wheels, little army men. He loved to be outside on the run, he played a lot in the woods beside our home at the base in San Francisco. They had forts and clubhouses and who know what all stems in a child's imagination. He had two very good friends and they were kind of like the three musketeers. Their names were Anthony and Lee. Funny that I would remember this. For his birthday party he just wanted to invite those two boys, he did not want a group of kids to come.

He and the "guys" thought they were Evil Knevil. They built ramps and jumped their bikes. I didn't really like this because I was afraid he was going to get hurt (remember all the stitches he has had already) and because it was bending the rims on his front wheel. It is one of those things he shouldn't have been doing and he knew it, but that I just chose to ignore. Picked my battles I guess. It just wasn't all that important.

When I started this I was going to write a little bit about Danny's personality and then about Laura's. However this is getting a lot longer than I intended so will write some about Laura in another blog.


  1. Wow....he sounds like a great guy!!!!! In all seriousness, thank you for the wonderful description.

    Funny thing is, the first paragraph still describes me to a tee. I am still uncomfortable in crowds, and prefer the company of a couple friends to group gatherings.

    As for toys....I leave the hot wheels to jeremy, and rarely jump over ramps on my bike. :-)

  2. i've learned that who are kids are when they are little will be a whole lot like who they are as they grow up. i see that in my girls. the things i wrote in their baby books still hold true. interesting, huh?

  3. Yes it is,personality traits don't change much as we get older.
