Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Second Tour In Viet Nam

Before our baby girl was even one year old, Dave came down on orders to go to Viet Nam again.I made the decision for the kids and I to stay in Minot, North Dakota during this tour, since I stayed near my parents the first time.I thought it was only fair to do this. Little did I know how harsh the winter can be. I had to plug in my car every night to keep it from freezing up. I had never heard of such a thing and we had winter in Wichita Kansas as well as in southern Misssouri. Shoveling snow wasn't fun either, even though my brothers-in-law came over and helped out some. We rented a three bedroom home with a real big living room. The washer and dryer hook-ups were in this huge unfinished concrete basement.

The second night after Dave left, we had a serious tornado warning. Vi even called me to make sure I heard it. The kids were asleep in their beds, so I ran down with the playpen and then got an armload of blankets. The basement floor was dirty and so cold. I got both kids down there. Laura just played in her playpen and had a good time and Danny just kept sleeping. I felt a bit sorry for myself that I had to go through all of this by myself, especially this close to his leaving for yet another tour in Viet Nam. So I cried a little and then I was alright. I think we were down there about an hour because there were several storms in the area.


  1. I remember several things about that time. We got a big tire to make a "sand box", i went to kindergarten, and the infamous mouse incident. LOL

  2. Obviously, I don't remember much about Dad's tours in Vietnam, but I can only imagine how sad and lonely that time was. And very scary at times, like when tornado sirens are going off.
