Monday, May 11, 2009

Honeymoon With In-Laws

The morning after our wedding we were off on a trip to Minot, North Dakota. We were following his parents and vice versa. Let's just say we were traveling together. Dave wanted to see his family before going to Germany for three years. There is nothing like going on your honeymoon with your in-laws!!!

We were headed north just outside of Kansas City, Mo. when his parents car was in an accident. What a horrible feeling it is to see this happen to your parents. The few seconds it took Dave to get out of our car to see if they were alright, must have seemed to take forever. They were alright, Vi's arm was a little tender from it slamming into the inside of the door. The car had to be left in Kansas City, so they ended up riding in our backseat the rest of the trip up north.

As one would suspect, driving north the end of January can be a bit treacherous. We ran into a blizzard and had to stop and check in to a motel. It was almost the time we would have been stopping anyway. We continued our journey the next day. We stopped in South Dakota and picked up Dave's little nieces Susan and Shae. They were his older brother Rollie's kids. We took them on to Minot with us also. We made it on into Minot that day.


  1. Wow! That was some kind of honeymoon! In-laws and two nieces! LOL I'm glad Grandmas arm was okay. I'm sure those few seconds seemed like an eternity!

  2. The marriage is off to a fairy tale start! Although I can think of worse people to spend time with than my grandparents. :-)
