Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Mountain Lion

It felt so great to have my mom and dad at our house for Christmas. Part of being in the military means living in places away from your family. Army life had a lot of ups and downs. To quote a book----"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". That pretty well sums it up in a nutshell. Oh well, now about the mountain lion.
We were sitting at our dining room table eating a fantastic holiday turkey with all the trimmings. Our table was right up next to a window. All of a sudden dad said "what kind of animals do you have around here?" We all got up and moved over by my dad to see what he was talking about. Well, we had that dirt road that I talked about in another post that the soldiers marched by on, and beyond that was a grassy area with a few trees. Beyond that there was a paved road and then the woods. The woods had a nice grassy area in front of it also, and this is where there was a mountain lion laying in the sun as if he didn't have a care in the world!! We couldn't believe our eyes---we got out the binoculars, Danny got out his little binoculars. Yes, that is what it was alright, a mountain lion (cougar).

Dave called the military police and reported it, this was very dangerous especially this close to a housing area. It took them forever to get there, I think they thought it was a prank. When he finally did show up, he was alone and only had a little hand gun. By then the mountain lion had woke up and disappeared into the woods. Dave took our German Shepard, Ringo, and went with the MP (military police) over to where the mountain lion had been laying. They did find some large cougar tracks in the woods nearby and decided to get out of there since all they had to fight against it was a handgun. At least the MP knew it was not Christmas Day prank!


  1. I think there is a picture of Grandpa and me looking thru binoculars. One of my favorite memories of him, along with "dressy or sporty".

  2. Yes we do have a pic to this. We actually have pictures on a lot of things I have blogged---even the ones way back when I was little.

  3. Wow! That would have been awesome to see. Scary, but awesome at the same time.
