Monday, May 18, 2009

No Flowers, Just Good Dirt

I wasn't much for planting flowers in the flower beds because I learned quite early that if I did that I would be the one that had to keep it weeded. I didn't like yardwork and didn't like digging in the dirt! So Danny had good sifty dirt to play in---it was a funny kind of dirt out there, it was similar to sand but was dirt. Not only did he have the flowerbeds, he also had a dirt road that soldiers marched by on twice a day. He loved watching them much the same way that my grandsons like watching the garbage trucks.

His favorite things to play with were his bag of little soldiers, he would spend a lot of time setting them all up just right, then they would have a "war" and he would knock all of them down. When he wasn't doing that he loved to play with his big Tonka trucks and his Tonka army jeep. He was a very busy little fellow.


  1. I feel another child coming.

  2. Hmmm! You must be psychic! lol

  3. Maybe it is time for another "requisition".

  4. just when you thought life was perfect, along comes me! :)
