Sunday, May 17, 2009

Paris, France

One time while Dave was in the field, I got a friend to keep Danny for a few days and Michelle and I took a bus tour to Paris. We had so much fun and saw so many of the sights. We went to the Louvre (art museum) and checked out the art. We didn't really even care about the art, we just walked through it looking for the Mona Lisa, Whistler's Mother, Blue Boy and the statue of Venus De Milo. We found all of them and then we were out of there. We went to the Eiffel Tower and went to the top of it. We went to a couple of old cathedrals and a flea market. We took a bus tour out to the Palace of Versailles. We walked along the river and saw the Arch De Triumph. It was all so beautiful and we had a great time.


  1. How about the bidet?

    Amazing we were there almost 40 years later, and so much of it looked the same in the pictures.

  2. I forgot about the bidet!! I thought that was a good place to soak my feet. My feet were so sore after walking around Paris all day. I didn't even know what a bidet is.

  3. That must have been amazing! And the upside of military life is that you get to go visit all these places and many, many more. What a great experience that must have been to a small town girl from Kansas!

  4. Yeah, I have seen several countries that most people only dream about.
