Thursday, April 9, 2009

The School Bus Ride & the New School

To get to school, Michelle and I rode a school bus for about 45 minutes each way. Keep in mind that we lived quite a ways down a dead end road, we also went down a couple other smaller dead end roads to pick up kids. Of course I had a few friends on the bus to talk to and clown around with. I was always among friends because I liked and got along with just about everyone. I was somewhat like my fourth granddaughter in this respect---give us lemons and we'll make lemonade. I was always happy,unless my boyfriend made me cry, but that is another story.

I started Reeds Spring high school in the spring of my sophomore year. The kids were all so nice and welcomed me to their school. A few of the girls took me under their wing and showed me where all my classes were and the cafeteria. It wasn't too difficult because there was just one corridor. One hallway with about eight classrooms a library and the principals office. Through the double doors were the grade school classrooms.

Another new experience for me was now there were boys among us. I decided fairly quickly that they were okay and didn't have cooties afterall. This was quite different than my all girl's private school. I liked it though!! lol


  1. That is quite the commute. People are always shocked that I had 75 in my graduating class (Tracy's was 500, which is also the size of Whitney's). But Pacelli was HUGE compared to Reed Springs High School. LOL

  2. I loved it small! We all knew each other and it was great that way!

  3. And B-O-Y-S!! Woo-hoo!! That had to make the commute worthwhile, huh?

  4. I can relate to the long commute, as I had a hour bus ride to school. Also for me the people made the commute ALOT better. Some of my best memories of school took place on that long bus ride.
