Monday, April 20, 2009

News Letter, the Yearbook and My Art Award

I was on both the newsletter and yearbook staff in my senior year. We had lots of fun with it. At the end of the year I received a secretarial practice award for my work on the Hi-Lights (our newspaper) and the Wolf Pack (our yearbook). In the newsletter, we included regular school news and fun news. In the fun news, we would interview different students about things like "what is your favorite song" and do surveys on who was the coolest, cutest, smartest, sweetest, most friendly, most athletic or had the most scshool spirit ect. These surveys would include students from all four classes since our school was so small.

I also received the school's art award. It sure wasn't for painting like my dad. The award was for several different projects that we did throughout the year in art class. I did some beautiful work on some caligraphy and also stenciled designs on to fabric and painted it. We did several more projects too, I just can't think of them right off hand. I know we did something with clay, but can't remember what I made.


  1. Sounds like you were a busy girl! Maybe Sarah gets that from you. You were always pretty crafty while I was growing up, so I can see where you'd have won an art award.

  2. Well, I certainly did not get the art gene from grandpa. I do remember you doing paint by numbers things while we were kids. I sported 2 nifty ships in my years for years. Sadly, they disappeared at some point. I also remember you also did some great (as i remember it) ceramic things in San Francisco. I remember loved the puppies you did form me. Sadly, they are as gone as the ship paintings. Not sure when they disappeared, but I am guessing it had something to do with weight limits when moving from army post to army post.

  3. OK....I had one piece of art I remember being proud of. It was a egg shell collage I made in the 5th grade. As I recall, we painted hard boiled eggs, then peeled them and peeled the eggs. I remember going a cardinal on a branch with lots of blue sky. Obviously a remnant from a few months in Springfield.
