Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Constuction Of The Resort

Although the time frame of the clearing of the lots and constuction of the cabins are a bit fuzzy, I do know that it was ongoing the summer before my sophomore year in school. Dad was to a point that he needed mom to go down and help him with the building.

We sold our house and rented one just around the corner from ours. It was a little two bedroom house just like the one we had lived in before we built onto it. It was a bit small for all three of us girls to be in the same room. We were a bit bigger than when all three of us shared a room before. However it was temporary and besides the only time we were in our rooms was to sleep or change clothes anyway. We didn't mind at all, in fact it was all kind of exciting to us.

Aunt Hazel, dad's oldest sister, came to stay with us girls while mom and dad were away. She was a good cook and she loved us a lot too. She was with us during that summer of 1960 until the spring of 1961 when we moved to the lake (resort).


  1. I can't imagine all 3 of you in one small bedroom....even if just to sleep. But that is from someone who never shared a bedroom as a kid, and has an omly child.

    Was Hazel the one we saw in Wamego at Grandpa's funeral? I forget.

  2. We had the bigger of the two bedrooms and both beds fit in there just fine.

  3. I think it would be a fun adventure, but only for a short while. However, you all knew the good that was coming out of it, and that made it more fun, I'm sure.

  4. Danny, the aunt we saw at the funeral was Isabel, one of mom's sisters. Aunt Hazel was dad's sister and she passed away when we were in Germany the first time.
