Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mom and Dad

I had an incredible childhood (as a child I probably didn't think so at times, especially those frustrating pre-teen years). The reason this is so is because I had wonderful parents.

My dad was my protecter, my security. He was my warm fuzzy feeling when I nestled up in his lap. He was my hero, my knight in shining armour. He was the one who would chase the boogie man away. He would get the monsters out from under my bed, the spooks (shadows) out of my closet and check if someone was prowling around my window. He would always hug me and tell me they were gone but I couldn't believe that until he got up and checked for me. He did actually go outside in the middle of the night and walk around our house to show me that I was safe. and no-one was there. Sometimes he would let me cuddle up beside him in the his bed for a little while and that always made me feel better and then I would go back to my bed, knowing that my daddy had gotten rid of all the demons.

My mother was the center of my world. I adored her--she was my nurturer, my comforter. She always talked to me about anything that was bothering me and she always had the right answers to my problems. I loved to cuddle and nestle with her too, but it was different than with dad. With mom I would sit beside her (as close as I could get) and she would put her arm around me. I loved nestling beside her in church during the sermon, or watching what bead she was on while we were praying the rosary so I could be sure I was on the right bead. I would also do the same thing with our prayer book, (missals) to be sure I was on the right page. She was my role model. She is also where I got my ornriness from. Dad use to say "you are the ornriest woman I ever met" after she would pull some kind of prank on him. We had a lot of fun together tickling and playing around.


  1. What sweet family memories you have, mom! I wish I had known Grandma better. Through you, I feel like I'm beginning to get a better understanding of who she was.

  2. I am lucky enough to have vivid memories of both Grandma and Grandpa.

    I can not think of a single person that matches him in how much I wanted to earn his respect. When he was disappointed in me, it hurt.....but it also gave me incentive to work harder. When I had his approval, there was no better feeling in the world.

    Grandma was unconditional love. I know all Grandmas are....but there was a warmth to her that always provided comfort to me above all else. I can still hear her voice and laughter, and miss her so much.

  3. I wish you could have known my mom, she was so special. She would have adored all you grandkids! I also wish you could have known my dad better.
