Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pinewood Derby and the Cubmobile

It was about the second grade that Danny joined the cub scouts. One of the first projects he did was to make a race car with his dad for the pinewood derby (racing against the other boys cars.) He was given a kit for this that included a block of balsa wood, sandpaper and I think it must have included the axles and wheels. The two of them put a lot of work in to this, it had a lot of carving and sanding to be done. Danny painted it red and put a number on it---I can't recall the number but I wouldn't be surprised if it was #1. The cars were raced on a real cool track at a Pack meeting (this is when all the dens of scouts get together). He didn't win, but didn't expect to. His reward was the memories he made with his dad making it.

A few years later all the dens of scouts made a cubmobile with the dad's. This was a regular size go cart. Danny really liked working on that and was looking forward to race day. He was in Den #1 and they won all the races that day. It was so exciting. Each scout in the den would ride it down the ramp and into a haybale placed in a designated spot. We all had a good time that day.


  1. I seem to recall wearing a Los Angelas Rams helmets for my runs.

  2. Yes all the boys in your den did (wear the rams helmet)and the video is so good. It was a very exciting day.

  3. looking forward to pinewood derbies one day! Not sure about running little boys into hay bales though! Yikes!!

  4. They were practically stopped by the time they reached the hay bales. There were also adults down there to make sure the little stinkers got stopped okay. lol
